Three award-winning campaigns in 30 marketing channels

Subscribe to view the full lookbook with analysis and three examples for each channel.

Marketing is a complicated discipline. Convincing buyers in a marketing-saturated world is not easy. There are an ever-growing number of marketing channels, and the ability to establish a clear return on investment in each often depends on activities in other channels. This is why we developed the Lookbook. We make the process as easy to understand as possible, while inspiring marketers at the same time.

Of course, thirty channels is too many for any marketer to keep in mind at the same time. This number also continues to increase as new marketing opportunities become available. For this reason, we’ve placed them into eight growth areas. These make it easy to understand the role of each channel and how they work together.

The Lookbook therefore frees up a marketer to consider possibilities in channels that aren’t using, or inspire them in channels that they are. In the age of metrics, it is easy to forget that marketing is a creative discipline and that thought-provoking campaigns are the best way to excite potential buyers.

This research includes

  • 90 creative and inspiring marketing campaigns.

  • 3 examples for 30 channels.

  • Placed into eight growth areas.

  • Analysis for each example.

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